one, two, three, start!
-my friends planned to have a breaking fast with bf also planned breaking fast too with friends had planned it before fasting month bf also had planned it before fasting month arrived too.i made a promise to my friends that i will join in.i also made a promise that i will join in too which i cant resist.breaking fast with my friends will be their treat.breaking fast with my bf also will be his treat.breaking fast with my friends will be happends this tuesday.breaking fast with my bf also happends this tuesdy too.the difference is my friends breaking fast will be held at Kg baru, meanwhile my breaking fast with my bf will be held at Pavilion.
get my story?
find the problem.
so.which one should i go then?
obviously i cant go at two places in one time.dilemma and confused.dua-dua plan i must join in.
151: Jamadil Akhir 1446H
2 weeks ago
dang , ko bukannye buxy pon.
cant one of them rearranged the dates?
Adik2 oi...sianla dekat saudara2 kita yg kat negera yg susah macam Afganistan, Afrika, Sudan, Somalia..even dalam negara sendri kat ceruk2 kampung 2..susah depa nak cari makan yang asasi.
Muhasabah diri di bulan Ramadhan
untuk farahhanani: kalau dgn kim arranged the date mmg sah2 x boleh dah.sbb tuesday nie je die cuti.since hes working.pastuh x tahu bila die dapat lagi.
mayb yg my friends tuh kot i shud cam tahapehape plan, tiba2 nak tuka tarikh sbb aku gan kim.x nyirap dierg nanti.adoi.well see.orr, pergi dua2 Kg baru gan Pavilion naik lrt dekat.haha!
untuk Juwairiya Zulkifli: ive been waiting for you to online.rupanya pukul 2 pagi.heh.
bout this.i haf no comments.eda x keluar duit pon.
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