-Have you ever experienced having an acne at your upper EAR?? not face EAR.Believe it or not,I did.just now.Ive noticed it while i wiped my left ear with a towel and i felt pain.I stood up to take a closer look at the mirror.For goddness sake, it was a big one.During the 1st stage of a growing acne or pimples is extremely painful you know.Ive heard people had acne at the upper lips, chin, chest, nose and obviously at ur face, but never at an ear.I guess i should be in the guiness book of records because having an acne growing healthy-ly at my upper ear.nyanyanya!! =P
Not even in my mind that im acctualy having an excessive oil at my upper ear creating a huge acne there.haha.
From now on, my oil control facial foam needs to work really hard starting today.grrr...!! XP
-err.one more thing..masih relevan lagi ke bangla jual roti dan keropok-keropok naik motor round2 ke kawasan perumahan hon-hon macam mamat naik motor jual aiskrim Mat Kool tuh zaman sekarang?? =?
neway, happy fasting everybadeh!
ramadan 1446
6 days ago
kat telinga? syadia pun pnah actually
kt mana? atas, bawah, dalam?
eih.why are we discussing this in public? gagaga! XP
najwa pun pernah sekali. sakit gilaaaa! smpi pergi klinik. tgk2 jerawat dlm telinga. haha
lawak gila!! sure maluu depan doctor tuh.nasib bukan dalam hidung kan? can u imagine an acne inside ur nose? ee..susah bernafas kot.x pon asik2 rase nak korek idubng sbb geram nak kopek jerawat tuh.eee..yak! XD
again...why are we disscussing this in public?? ahahah!!
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