Sunday, September 21, 2008

Iftar 2


-and today i went breaking fast at Pusat Komuniti JIM.Its was hard though for me to go there alone.I need plenty of spirit to go x ikhlas je pergi kan? nasiblah en. I dont know, somehow i felt so lazy to the max to go to the majlis that evening.Having a problem choosing the baju kurung is another thing, wearing a baju kurung is another thing.I seldom wears a baju kurung you know besides during Hari Raya season.haha.Maybe because im went there alone without anybody that is related to them, so kindda left out skit rasa.Although i reached there early, i didnt approched them though.I just stayed in my car until almost breaking fast time arrived and almost rase nak patah balik rumah pon ada.pathetic right? Suprisingly, i did it.I went there.I ate there.I pray there.I talk there.I dont know where the hell i got the guts but i did i can be proud of myself.haha.whylah pharie oi..

-Eventhough i really had a hard time to fit in, i mean seriously. luckily, i managed to have a simple conversation by asking 3 basic questions (nama,tempat tinggal, kerja kat mana) among all the aunties so that the feeling nak balik awal or nak blah cepat-cepat dari situ will vanished

-didnt ate much.just 3 popiah and 3 sliced of watermelon coz they surved rice.i dont eat rice-lah sgt.anyways, after that i went for my prayer, cit cat a while with the sisters and aunties nearby, shake2 hands and drive to the NZ Curry House atas.From there, i met my friend Sharizan, Izham and Sophia.That is the time i really ate for my breaking fast.I ordered nan cheese with tandoori chicken and rose flavoured soya bean drink.nyam! nyam!

-arrived home at 9.30 pm i started browsing till i felt sleepy.on top of that...

today ive learned new simple sistem messages word iaitu iA = insyaallah


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