-Individualily, from all the bands that ive known in my whole life, the most stylish bands is Panic At The Disco.They are not only known as the band that had the longest titled in most of their 1st album but also known as their trendsetting style , class and charisma.What did Panic At The Disco do is extremely rare and impossible to invent.This band make their album that they wanted for their sophomore release.
-Not only that, personally i think Panic At The Disco has the ability to impress audiences and fans by being seen with fresh colours and new impredictable outfits.They had created their very own style cosmos, which is authentic, always suprising me and highly innovative.Just watched their clothing during premiers or while they in the red carpet.Quite impressive.
-Today, even myself is hugely influenced by music and wanted to express in the way i dress which i thing what most young people agreed with.(tapi taklah sampai se-stylish macam Panic At The Disco punya cara pemakaian ye) Make it Angkatan Baju Malaya as example.They express their expression by doing t-shirt printing with lots of unique design and sold it.The most succsessful one is Bangkit. If tak paham, try pi google.No wonder, Panic At The Disco won edc Style Award at MTV Asia's.

-Neway, Panic At The Disco now embark on a new album, Pretty.Odd.so, go ahead pi Myspace Music.
ala. nak pergiii. kesian dorg arituh media kate tak ramai org pergi dorg punya performance.maybe still baru lagi kot :)
btol.btol.mmg x ramai.syidah ae kawan pergi konsert dierg pas MTV tuh.
mayb die mcm terkejut kot.sbb pas dierg di MTV, tiba2 dapat tahu dierg buat konsert beberapa hari pastu.so ramai org x tahu.kesian..
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