Saturday, September 6, 2008

Webcam whore

got excited when im finally launching a brand new portable webcam with build in microphone for my laptap ni sangatlah kuno.tade build in webcam.once ive installed it, terangtang tang tayang my facial yang baru bangun tido without any difficulties.excited ouh! pasang-pasang je dah boleh pakai.tade banyak songeh pon menatang nih.haha.ive tested my webcam in my Yahoo Messenger and it worked succsessfully!

testing testing session.

clean and clear aint? puas hati sialll.tak gelap gelap, tak terang sangat, takde bintik bintik cam ade semut byk kat skrin,tak legap,tak lutcahaya but lutsinar.wohOo~ oh, its just wholesome!!
harap-harap tak addicted with this thing.heh.


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