Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ive been TAG...again..


kene tag lagi!!

-to tell you the truth, this is the most kacang goreng and quickest tag ive ever done since ive been tagging in blogging world.millions of thank q very much indeed to my primary schoolmate atikah aka alang atie coz giving me a TAG without needing answer various of questions like a normal TAG.

-mudah saja just put this to ur blog and TAG 5 other bloggers you wanted to revenge.lalalaaaa~

-my next five victim will be...najwa aqilah,farah hanani,kak Ee, ieeko,farah rosni,
-buat! x buat korang siap!



D said...

hahaha...poyo2 jek rase kene tag cmni kan..hehehe...

walawala oh lala said...

tak pernah ditag. oleh itu, silalh terangkan tag ni ape bendeee.hehehe

walawala oh lala said...

oh. dah paham. hehe. td tak baca elok2 :D

pharie said...

utk ukhti syahid: salam.
haha.poyo mendenya tikah oi.sumtimes this TAG ni very useful if u boringggg tahap melampau.haha.again thankz!


utk walawala oh lala: ahaha.nie kira TAG paling simple di dunia syidah bagi.heh.buat tahu!