-You know the best part during Ramadhan? Breaking the fast with friends.yeah, i just love it when my friends roger-roger me asking to break fast outside with them.Its not just about friends, or having fun, its about the ukhuwah we share and felt together.Its just amazing.Last two years i made a plan breaking fast together with my friends.I invited all my non malays friends to join us.Guess what? they also fasting like us just because they wanted to feel hows does we feel during fasting month.Isnt just great? They learn our religion and culture with no doubt.I remember one of my cina friend named Piong who had join us that time.She sanggup borrowed a baju kurung from us just for breaking fast with us because we all wearing baju kurung.Yelah, kan pastuh pi solat terawikh. When i introduce her with dates, she ate it more than we do.Another part is solat terawikh ramai-ramai with friends.Went to the surau nearby and solat Terawikh together really made my day.bes weh.bes.I feel waaaahhhh....remembering this moment.haha. XD
-This year happens to be like that tOo.I will breaking fast with all my best buddies at NZ atas this thursday.yey! The good thing being the only female in the group is that they all very gentalmen to me.Offered me transport, food, drinks and soo on.Its an advantage you know, even tho i dont want them to treat me such a way.But what are friends for right?? *pharie amik kesempatan* XP A bit dissapointed because Omarhasif cannot come along to join us that day coz hes still at Negeri Sembilan that time.If not, completelah one bunch of a happy bestfriends kat sana nanti! huhu.
-Meanwhile, me in the other hand already had a few sketch for the upcoming break the fast with friends next week.Im looking forward to join in.sbb sbb, dimana ade makanan sedap disitu ada pharie.WeeEe~ i cant wait! =)
*aku sebenarnya compius.how do we say berbuka puasa in english anyway? Breaking the fast ke? breaking fast ke? break fast ke? if break fast plak more sounds to breakfast(sarapan pagi). anybody can help me on this? lagipon aku tulis entry nie pakai belasah je perkataan yg mane yg bunyik sedap dgn ayat die skit, tulis jelah.haha! XP
Anyway, Salam bergaya semua!
*curik these qoute at tv9*
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
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