Thursday, September 25, 2008



- to those who likes to gossip a lot, then watch
gossipgirl.just finished watch season 1 and season 2 episod 1 and 2.but not much excitement and unexpected gossipgirl.kahkah! i love more season 2 episod 3.smashing man! and...though..of course it contains lots of.....................err, just for the grown up know...haha!

- someone suggest me to watch
The L not into lesbians-lah.besides, the love scene in that series just tooooo rough.i dont think its a love scene.more into sex know what i mean.i feel yuck...geli plak tgk.after that i never continue watch that series.( just follow my friends suggestion without making any reference)

* perangai cam iblis btol watak si Yona nie in the sinetron Taqwa ive watch just few minutes ago.i bet the director had the real experiance in this drama.the actors and actors had made me menyumpah2 kat si Yona.brilliant job done!*


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