ive just woke up.heh.
-finally, i arrived at the bazaar Ramadhan Taman Melawati yesterday.its out from what ive planned, but at least ive reached there.this time i went there with my friend Aimi since shes the driver.Hoping that after this i can go to bazaar Bukit Antarabangsa punya area plak.mayb tomorrow.lalalaaaa~
-i think i have a new favourite drink.im falling in love with rose flavoured soya bean milk.yesterday i drank one big box all alone and i want more!! slrupp...!! =D
- i miss putting an earphone in my ear while doing housekeeping.i want my mp3 back.my life is more boring than ever without my mp3.adei..may you rest in peace..huhuhu. =(
-i wonder if we can buy all kinds of kuih muih at the bazaar using kredit card of debit card.its easier.no need to bring so much money in my pocket.i always drop coins and RM sheets all around the road while buying foods.no change and no need to think RM2.30 x 2 = ? or or how much change i need to get back.it would be more cracking my mind if my mak gave me RM50 to buy the foods. killing my brains coz my math is terrible, eh, not terrible more worst than that! fail! but i might spend a lot without realising if im using credit cards.AHAHA.
-you know whos is the richest and the luckiest and got lots of kaccinngg$$ !! person during Ramadhan month? i suppose its people who sell ice brick, plastic bags, fruits, sugarcane, flour, getah, (getah dlm english apa yeh?) chicken and sugar.because i think they gonna need that eeeeeveryyyday to sell food. even the dustbin at my house mostly full with plastic bags during fasting month.haha.
-im loosing my futsal skills slowly.its been agess during the last time ive played futsal.bila nak main neh!!?
*bajet hebat ah?* XD
-my wallet is poor.veryvery poor.my wallet can be in miskin tegar catagory i guess.haha.ayah..i want allowance.i only has RM2.00 to survive untill end of this month.how-lah weh..RM2.00 i can only buy 5 bijik of kuih one day.mana kenyang?
ok dah.
ramadan 1446
6 days ago
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