Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Biggest scare

A call interrupted my nice sleep this morning..

sister : eda tido ye.sorry..eda...akak accident.
pharie : hah!!?? accident?!! akak ok x?? accident kat mana???!!
sister : dekat gan exit tol Putra Makhkota..akak terlelap tadii...bla..bla...langgar tiang lampu bla..bla..kereta abg akak...bla..bla..tayar pecah...bla..bla...
pharie: akak ok?? akak gan sapa skang??
sister: akak ok.akak dengan adik akak, Anas.
pharie: huih,nasib baik akak dengan adik akak.thank god ur ok.*senarnya masih mamai2 br bgn tido*

the conversation went onn...until..
sister: oklah akak just nak btau eda je..
pharie: ok.thankz.ape2 hal col eda ok?

-this call really gave me a big scare and a heart attact!!, thus, i still blurry about the whole conversation just now because ive just woke up...

-after i washed my face then i realised how critical was the problem.i called her back askiing the same question again.

pharie:err.salam, akak skang kat mana nie?
sister: akak kat dlm lori nak ke balai polis kajang.
pharie: err.camner akak accident tadi?
sister: akak terlelap sayang..
pharie: ohh...akak nak eda tolong ape2 ke?
sister: tolong bawak barang....bla..bla..bla...
pharie: eda datanglah sana tolong.
sister: ade kereta x?
pharie: x der.ayah eda kan dah setat kerja..xper, naik lrt.eda ade duit.
sister: eh..tak payah2 nanti cam membebankan...bla..bla..nanti tgk camner..ok..akak call eda..
pharie: ok.apehal2 call tau!

. ___________________________________ .

-you think i can just sit there in my living room relaks2, goyang-goyang kaki and do nothing while waiting for her call pretended that everything is gonna be alright??


-It scared me like death and made me into someone who had lost control cause im worried sick about her.I mundar-mandir manymany times thinking how can i helped her when there is no car for me to used for today.shit! Why is it i dont have a car when i really need it desprately??
-i decided to call someone who is nearest to her place and helped her while im trying to figure out how on earth im gonna get there.haha.Meanwhile,i called all my friends who is wilingly to help me and i found one.thankz a milion Nazween!! for ur car, for ur highway tol fees, for ur handphone credits.Really appreciate it! I cant say more.uve had saved 3 lifes today, me, sister, and her bro.pahala byk dapat. =)

-After that, i called her back asking how was her progress.She said everthing went fine.she had lodged a police report at Balai Polis Kajang and had sent her car to the workshop nearby.Everthing went smoothly along with her friend that i had called before to help her.Thankz to you tOo c's Fai!!! Alhamdulillah...After a while, ive finally reached there with them and sent my sister and her lil bro back home safely.Pity them, they both looks really tired.They surely need a good nice sleep.

And now while im writing here, i want to thank Allah for saving her life and gave me another chance to see her once again.Luckily, theres no scratches or bruises.More luckily is they both survived with no bad condition, such as handicapped or retarded.Oh, i cant imagine how if they end up like that.Thank you ALLAH.This fright of my life incident really gave me a lesson how important is people around you and ur friends.They are the most important people in your life and sometimes they saved lifes too.

-To you sister, im glad ur ok.Brought you home safely,lessen your parents worries, and the most of all i was there when needed.Rest my dear, and do always take care of yourself ok? You will always in my prayer.Most importantly do plyzz.plyzz..plyzz..jgn buat eda heart attact lagi tahu? XP
Im happy to have you back.

ok.mlm nie boleh tidor nyenyak.




norfaridahanum said...

kak ngah nih sweet sgt la

pharie said...

sweet? haha.maneplak..itu rasenya favour plg cincai boncai penah kak ngah buat.heh.
neway,nasib baik die x derpaper.kalu sumthing yg worst happen...lagi2lah berancai kot favour kak ngah.

eih.invite kak ngahlah kat ur blog.yg hang pi set private tp x invite kak ngah nape? huhu.

Juwairiya Zulkifli said...

I Thank Allah 4 having a very caring n luving sister like u. Thank u dear,4 being there when im needed ^_^

pharie said...

I Thank Allah too 4 having such an understanding and concern sister like you too even tho i always missunderstanding you.

thank you si dodol for treating me well enough. XD