Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Agree With You Shafiq Ramlan

read this dear fellas.sgt logik and mostly true.

Both sides have failed the rakyat

IT is plain as daylight that the ordinary citizens of Malaysia are crying and pleading for help and relief from its chosen Government representatives from the increasing cost of living.

But instead of help, we are bombarded daily in the media by the rhetoric of “people-centric” programmes of questionable effectiveness, MPs showing their immaturity and lack of culture and continual witch-hunting and finger-pointing between the BN and PR of bad governance and mismanagement.

The first 100 days therefore have been nothing short of disgrace in terms of the performance of the elected representatives to address the plight of the people.

Increasingly, there is a feeling of haplessness and despair. People do not know whom to turn to as both sides have failed miserably to address the issues of concern.............-copied from FALLEN LEAVES

there you go.what were you reading just now is half of a letter.heres my piece of mind after reading this letter.i agree with you shafiq ramlan.this is an informal letter i copied from one of my SViAN junior Shafiq Ramlan, after i
read his blog.i assume he sends this letter to express his ketidakpuashatian to both parties that they need to stop pointing fingers to each other in one of our daily newspaper.A very good indeed example of rakyat like me yg sudah muak with what is happening to our country right now.Everyday they will be news about PR said BN is this and that blaaa..blaa..then, BN strikes back saying PR is blaa..bla..soo on so forth. Not just that, suddenly all the MPs, YBs, Judges, Polices, even private investigator turns out to be so outspoken and so brave when we hear all secrets of their wrong doings among both parties automaticly revealed one by one in all sorts of medias while the rakyat is watching and shouting helplessly to stop this non-sense like shafiq yet no one knows.this is what happens when they are greedy people who wanted to conquer the country but using this slogan ' nak tolong rakyat ' ' kita nak kurangkan beban rakyat ' whats the benefit of voting for them if they already failed when everthing just get started...

oh my, what were they call them? politicions....

tengok-tengok.our prime minister already voice out to steps downlah...........but within after two then Najiblah will be promoted.if....he is still alive....-lah that time.
i guess this such politic drama series in Malaysia ni can become a best-seller list or even a box-office movielah en? haha.

well, shafiq im with you.buat lagi byk2 letter sampai you jadi femes.haha.



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