Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Saya kuat tidolah semua.

today ive got a call from a sister ive known at JIM..im flattred acctually at the same time shocked tOo.haha.

she said she just want to have a coversation with me only but, i know there is sumthing else than the call.after a small conversation, suddenly she ask me this question..

farah, akak sebenarnya ade hajat nie.moga-moga farah boleh terima akak.sudi ke tak farah jadi kakak angkat akak? moga boleh merapatkan ukhuwah antara kita berdua nanti.

dupdapdupdapdupdap my heart was beating.haha.cam org nak mintak kapel kat aku plak.haha.i was like..erk..??

the rest is history.haha.

saya heranlah, kenapa sister-sister nie very atrractive to me huh? aku dah lama pemalas.x baik.x pakai tudung labuh-labuh pon cam dierang.x lah sebaik iman cam mereka tuh.pelik.pelik.

" ramai betul kakak kamu ni farah yee?? "
-Kak Long

" biaserlah.dia budak baik.semua orang suke kat dia"
-Kak Ee

" kak misah concern kat eda tu.."
-Bro Amirul

if they all know all my bad habits, i can imagine they all will run away from me.haha.
still, im sangat hairan-lah.

nyway..whatever happens, i still stick to my only one pet sis.



D said...

A'ah..ramai gak..kadang2 pelik tgk..kejap ngn Kak Jue..pastu ngn Kak Ee..(still x taw name pnuh die laaa..)..pastu ngn kak ni...pastu kak tu..ahaha..ramai2..
maybe nak menggantikan yg pegi NZ tu kot..(mesti Hanani terharu gilee..;p)

jangan hairan dgn perkara yg baik..

aku pun happy jek kalu jumpe ko kat mane2..(betolll..)
walaupun dulu kat skolah kite xde la rapat mane kan..heh..

Patutnya banyakkan bersyukur..
kerana dorang tidak memilih ko krn appearances cmtu..
kat luar tu ade lagi yg tak btuah di rapati kakak2 cmnih..
dorang x memilih ko sbb bad2 habits tu sume..coz kite percaya,yang buruk boleh di ubah jika ada kehendak..
(ceh..skema gile aku ckp neh..)
pape pun..harap pape program 1 day kite leh join togethaaa..


Anonymous said...

eyh, rekemen satu kakak kat me ,i takde kakak ni haha.

anyway, ini technical ke, asal akak tu mintak u jadi kakak angkat not adik angkat. shes older kan?

pharie said...

mmg salah! haha.
bukan teknikal ke ape dah mmg kakak tuh ckp camtuh.tp mase tuh cam terkejut2 skit, so x sedar sebenarnya die nak aku jadi adik angkat die.haha
still aku tau hajat die la.

cuak kot..tuh boleh tersasul dari from adik ke kakak.haha.and yup shes older than me.

pharie said...

utk ukhti syahid: woh.komen yg berperenggan! aku rase kan cam kene tazkirah gan kolah.hahaha.
neway, thankz a millions for sharing ur opinions here..aprreciate it.

how can i say...
what u said is totallt true..
its a good feedback to me.ade pepatah kate dont judge peopple from its cover kaaaan..so nie lah conthnya.heh.

mmg lately i tetiba boleh involved programs walaupun x de kene mengena pon, tp entah tetiba je aku wujud kat situ.plan Allah mmg sgt hebat.moreover, i realise there is a lot of people who concern at me like those sisters.syukur Alhamdulillah dapt sister cam mereka...moga2 berkekalam hendaknya..

on top on that, im aslo looking forward be in any programs together with you.heeee.

thankz again.kau mmg cool-lah!


hamik...aku plak yg bagi tazkirah kat ko..haha.

Anonymous said...


fofuler nyerr hang ni eda!!! wewiit! =D

pharie said...

fofulerlah sgtttt en? eda nie snobbish tau!


walawala oh lala said...

kak long tak jeles?