Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pakej Perkahwinan

my head hurts~ X(

-i was away from KL from 2nd raya till 4th of raya attending my cousin nikah and wedding ceremony at Kuala Terengganu.
-it was a sakit-sakit belakang, tengkuk and bontot, journey along the way.we arrived there after 7-8 hours in the car and stayed in a hotel.

-i admit that i really hated a 100++ of kilometres journey by car because i haf motion sickness.its making me feel unpleasant.i can easily vomit because of that tho.
-Since the nikah was on 3rd of raya and the majlis bersanding was in 4th of raya, we, my cousins, my other uncle and aunties had some time to haf a short vacation there.haha.apatah, time raya pergi bercuti plak. XD

-places that we had visited:
Pantai Batu Buruk, Masjid Terapung/Kristal, Pasar Pachang,d
rank gelas bapak (terengganu slang) fruit juice, eat keropok lekor, eat nasi dagang, and went swimming with cousins at the hotel swimming pool.agaga!

x sahlah if tade gambar en? nah.nah. =)

while sms my kak jue.ngee.

mak borong new raya clothes and scraf

makanan kami

lepas makan mainlah.hahaha.
gamba paling x tahan aku tengok. =P

my angan-angan nak main layang-layang at the beach finally come true. =D

a pengetua expression

my digicam is having an earth quake, so it end up like this.heh.

my anak buah yg comel gila

husband wannabe a.k.a my cousin

the bride

after nikah ceremony, we drank a XXL saiz glass of apple juice.

the whole family

-meanwhile, here i am, all alone again coz my parents is sending all my siblings back to sad.. =(

-after we arrived home safely, my otot-otot is extreamly painful now, my head hurts, my nose is hot including my forehead.

i feel like having a high fever again..sigh..=.=


ruixi kim said...

few years after that giliran kitalah pulak kan? hehehe.. =D

pharie said...

dgn syarat u gi beraya gan i nanti pakai seluar short pants pls.hahaha! XP

D said...

best bercuti d hari ghaye..
uikss..tu g pasar Pachang ke..pasar Payang??klu pasar Pachang kat ne??Payang den taw la..huhu...

pharie said...

tiba-tiba rase cam kata-kata atikah nie betul.I think its pasar Payanglah, theres no such thing as Pasar Pachang.itu hasil rekaan farah mengeja coz its sounds like that to mee.sbb dgr dari mulut org skali je.XP

mintak ampun ya and terima kasih kerana menyedarkan farah.

heee. =)

Anonymous said...

asal abg pipie cam garang je nak kahwin hahaha.

mesej khas dari mak untuk edah tersayang :

sekolah dulu baru kahwin.

pharie said...

bukan aku tanak skolah ngep.skolah yg tanak aku.
jgn risaulah.yg pasti next year sure2 akan setat skolah.itu mmg pasti.

heee.yg ko dok amik serius komen kim tu pehal? die tuh gurau jelah.


norfaridahanum said...

it's pasar payang la kak ngah..i've been there 2..masa anta apis register kat uitm dungun