Monday, October 20, 2008

Gila Raya last Saturday

six open house in one day

Wangsa Melawati (Hamizah Shamimi/Amir Munzir)--> Setiawangsa (Nadia) --> Taman Melati (Neezam)--> Taman Permata (C's Zira and housemate)--> Lembah Keramat (My economics teacher)--> Wangsa Budi (Aimi) je sempat tangkap.heh.

Mimi's house

Amir Munzir's house

C's Zira's and friends house

Pn.Siti Hir's house

Aimi's house

- i arrived home around 11pm full with satisfactions.haha.



walawala oh lala said...

ni dah raya ke berapa dah ni? ade open house lagi.haha
btw,najwa dah cuti,kalau ade open house lagi,bw najwa!

walawala oh lala said...

btw this song remind me of pop boyband dulu2, nsync sume.hehe

pharie said...

hoho.raya sebulan najwa.bulan syawal habis minggu depan.heee.
newy, Ya! sudah tentu syidah akan bawak najwa skali.
kat rumah ke skang??

err, pasal lagu tuh? lagu yg mana eih? semua ka?
