today i slept early.ive been buzzing in my bed already around 8.30 0'clock.suprisingly today i woke up verryyyyy early man! around 2 0'clock in the morning.waw waw waw waw!
not because i want to do a tahajjud prayer.
also not because of hajat prayer.
2 o'clock in the morning and im having my cirit-birit.Ya, cantik sekali!!
sitting on the toilet bowl for several of hours really exchausted and otot-otot lenguh-lenguh.(camner eja otot dan lenguh dalam bi ah? lupe sekejap)haha.boring gila tunggu dalam toilet lama-lama.kalau tak mesti tgh sedap mimpi-mimpi indah dapat dating dengan one of my hearthhrob.agaga!
its making my stomach was feeling uncomfortable all the time.siall-lah..
cibai btol kantonese kue tiaw mee kat KLCC semalam.kauh punya pasal, ive spent my sleeping hours in the washroom.
* celebrate beday kim hari nih. yay!
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
i baru ingt nak comment post pasal my beday tp x der lagi.huhu.
xper, i tunggulah.
nanti i saman kedai tuh ye?
sorry.i bgn lambat.semalam i tido mati.balik dalam kol 12.30 lebyh.x sempat nak post.
tpp now i dah post!
you mesti suka punya lah.
happy 20th birthday kim!
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