welcome back!
3 days i take a break, you wont imagine what ive been trough.i can only discribe my break was full with this 6 words : tiring, rushing, exciting, eating, politics, protocols.
-its true.i went to kuantan.again..haha.let just say that ive made that decision because i dont want to sustain my dull day everyday.i need to see new surroundings instead seeing my silence mood of living room all over again.most of all, i want acompany.
it was an extraordinary opportunity to experience a whole different sides from what i always been.
yup! sometimes meeting new people is a very fun thing to do. =)
this is a present for you while i was hiatus.suits yourself yah? im trying so hard not to create my blog berbaur politik.
preparing a popia skin for Rumah Terbuka Parlimen Kuantan.
the orange outfit is Head of Wanita Keadilan Kuantan.her name was auntie Hamidah kot.siyes i cant remember.=P
the event
kelakuan afdal as a MP
MP's driver/bodyguard, Uncle Zul
Because the chinese cannot join in PAS, its still not an excuse.so there you have it, Uncle Vincent and family, Head of Kelab Penyokong PAS Malaysia.haha.
few members of Wanita Keadilan bahagian Kuantan candid which i really love it
MP's daugter.her nickname is chet.gah,i had no idea at all how to spell it. =)
si comel dan si cantik =P
the back bones of MP's and their family members
the most active and can-grab- attention voice autie, Mak Pah.she is one of a pengawai khas MP's
food! food!
autie Rozaini, (yellow kot scraf) the person who is in charge medias and MP's blog.
-the end-
anyway.based on my exprienced there ive just noticed that i really really hate protocols or following protocols.its like theres no freedom.its just not me.
who is the politician? go and figure it out yourself.
clue : look at the MP pix and read newspapers. =P
3 days with her.now its my turn ok? no excuse.
cant wait till this friday!
i'll always miss you too pharie.*tade kedit nak reply, replylah kat sini*
bestnye! dapat hang out dgn aunties. borak2. dgr dorg cerita mcm2 kan!
syidah syidah. najwa busan yang amat cuti ni. nanti free kite pergi jogging nak? msg najwa bile2 saje s yidah free. tauuuuuuu.
cuti najwa tinggal lagi seminggu btw :)
utk en cococrunch: psst..malu i nanti.neway, i pon mmg nak tgk citer tuh.hehe.
walawala oh lala: heh.btol.btol.mmg pon.mereka2 nie byk je bende nak ckp.
yeyeh! finally ade teman eksersize! ok.ok.next monday sampai lah jumaat boleh? ahaha!
nanti syidah msg! tunggguuuu....XD
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