ok, theres a story about the pix above
-once ive finished washing the toilets, theres one sms in my handphone inbox.
" kwn2 segeng, asma nak fly egypt kol 11 mlm ni, sambung degree kat sane, aku baru tahu tadi.Die suro bgtau korg.kalau nak bagi kate2 terakhir, bole ko die kat 019******* ok! "pap! i was shocked to hear the news.suddenly i feel sgt sebak.no, i mean it.
-C's Asma is the most different and cool and hardworking and religious and smart and gamble and close and sumtimes kelam-kabut and talks like theres no tomorrow senior in Aminuddin Baki Hostel ive ever met.
-C's Asma talks likes 100 km/ per hour.everytime we hang out, she will start talking so freaking fast untill one time i dont understand at all but i pretend i did.but im lovin it.i really like the way she talks.
-C's Asma is the only person who likes to create her own short from while sending messages to me sampai aku pun pening pala pikir what is the word shes was trying to write.haha.
-C's Asma will never stop advising me about this and that eventho sumtimes i never took her advise so much but never give up and said it again and again and again and no one can stop her.
-C's Asma is the only senior that i close most during my good old days in Aminuddin Baki Hostel (ASAB) besides, C's Nuri and C's Aisyah.
-C's Asma is the most alim person ive ever met in my life.She recite Al-Quran everyday when ever she had free time, she sang nasyid songs beautifully, she had a great voice.I loved to hear shes reading Al-Quran coz i think she is the only person that can make me amazed plus i wont feel sleepy or boring,whichever comes first when reciting Al-Quran.
thats her.Siti Norasma Azahar.Kak Asma saya. =)
sis, i know you will read this.since ive called you already, gave you my special goodbye to you, so i wont write it here.
see you in 6 years after that! good luck in your future undertakings! =)
kenape mata akak tibe tibe berair bile bace post ni? =(
sedih dan rindu zaman bersame asma.
"sebak gile"
tak tercakap dah...
"dah stat nangis"
sianyaaa kak.
xper.xper ade rezeki sure akan jumpe lagi.
eda pon sebak kak.dahla gamba gan kak asma sekeping pon x der.
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