-today was the best and most happening raya i guess.haha.why?
-i tell you why.
-i spent the whole day with my school mates during my time in Sek Men Aminuddin Baki (ASAB).Most of em stayed in hostel the school provided itself.Those who stayed in the Sek Men Aminuddin BAki hostel were called (ASABIANS) .its been years i havent met them after i left the school school when i was form 4 except for C's Aisyah.I met her once this year.
-it happends when my bestfriend during my good old days in Sek Men Aminuddin Baki Hostel, Add or her real name was Fairuz Athirah invited me to her house at Bandar Baru Bangi Seksyen 9 for a doa selamat coz she just moved there a month a go.
-So, obviously she will invite her other ASABIANS .They are, C's Aisyah, C's Pika, C's Noly, Lina, Soraya, Redia, Ida, me, and two juniors (free hair) It didnt felt like going to a doa selamat at all but i felt like having a gathering.haha.
-The journey begins.... as for as i concern, at first there were supposed to be four of us C's Aisyah, C's Noly and Naima, going there with me, since im the driver.Unfortunately, C's Noly and Naima cant make it.Whats left is me and C's Aisyah.
-It did not trouble me at all finding the house coz it was easy finding the landmark to her house which is Masjid Bangi or Masjid Hasanah kot.Besides, ive been to Bangi on my own several time.
-The weird thing for me is, instead of having trouble finding the house, i was lost when i wanted to go the UKM and UKM komuter station to pick up my friends who is using public transport, eventhough ive been there own my or with my ayah lots of times.To show how disaster was our journey to the UKM, we went trough to the highway and almost headed to Kajang.Ahaha.Luckily, there was a U turn back to the Bandar Baru Bangi.From there, we finally arrived to the UKM after few times circling a roundabout.haha.
-to make it short, we ate there,hang out at Warta Shopping Kompleks and went for karo-K, and took pictures.lots of lots of pictures.i mean it.
yay! gambarlah! XD

kata-kata hikmat pharie:
-special thankz from the bottom of my heart especially to C's Aisyah and two of my juniors for the tol fees and duit minyak, bf Lina, Ghazali for being a very gentalmen cameraman and our instructor for our poses, Add for the mineral bottle after singing out loud 6 songs inside a box, C's Pika for treating me drinks and be my map around Bangi.
-nilah balasan bila gedik kuarkan semua wang ringgitt dlm wallet masuk dlm sampul duit raya pastu lupa nak masukkan balik dalam wallet bila nak guna.guilty-nya!!
-also dedicated this to C's Ee.My apology sgt2 sbb sempat nak singgah jumpe kak Ee wlwpon eda dah sampai kat Bangi.I think its better to meet you if eda pergi berdua or eda gi sensorang.uhuhu.soory again yah sis? bila ramai sgt follow eda gi jumpe kak ee kang havoc satu Bangi.haha. i will try to make it next time.=)
-and of course, to Fairuz Athirah, (Add) for inviting us! yeay.trully a splendid and wonderful day today.
wieeee best gilewwww!
tolong laaaa ade lagi next time camniii!!!
and stay the same key :)
Friends forever! ;)
thankz to you bebeh!!
i reallly had fun tahap dewa woh!
siyesly dah lama x rase sesseronok and segembira camtuh!
sampai kan aku rase aku letih sbb byk gelak until my rahang rase sakit!
tppp mmy besttt giloooosss!!!
frendz forever and stronger.=)
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