me and kim planned to watch this movie today.yeah right, go on and laugh all you can.Feeling unmatured to you? so much for teenagers.so what? i watch spongebob squarepants too.Besides Zac Afron its just too drop dead handsome to resist.sorry kim.eheh.
weee~ ^^
uhuk.uhuk.hey hey.i ade kat sini lagi tau.hhehe.
thankz 4 today.its feels like ages both of us spent time like that.next time we plan it again yah?
miss you already.huhu~
eh my dear.you still online at the Orange BRJ tuh ke? i tot u said only for two hours? mase i hantar u kan pukul 9 tadi.now is already late.
anyway...kan elok pakai suar panjangg.huhu.i loved it! next time kita kuar pakai suar panjang k? ahaha!
hehe.mee too. =)
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