Uih.Uih.anyone whats branded chocolates? ask me ok.I have all kinds of chocolates.bertong-tong banyaknya.you name it.Cadbury? Daim? Hershey's? Mars? Sneakers? Twix? Milkyway? Kisses? Toblerone? Kinder Bueno? Bounty? or even Fererro Rocher.You see, manusia in my house cant even finished it.So, we dedided to gave to other people.those yg interested, inform me.haha.*tulah mak, beli lagi banyak2 coklat dari Langkawi*
-i bet if Atiqah was here she can finish it.isk.lame dah x dgr suara die.huhu.
-besides, SHARING IS CARING right people?
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
mau!farah nak!
boleh.tp caner nak pas kan kat ko weh? ak bagi kat adek ko lah.tptp by the time ko ade kl balik i bet adek2 ko dah abiskan.haha.
serius ak nak bagi ni.
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