Another day with C's Sobir, again..haha.i assume you all surely bored with my s0-boring-post like this day by day.soorylah.i dont have an interesting life stories like you all.heh.anyway, like always i will try make it simple.
-pick her up at uia same time same place like yesterday.
-headed to Plaza Idaman as shes so keen wanted to go there.
-one thing i loved about her is she will try her best to be not so boring person to me with so many things to say and so many place to show and put all her attention to me.She will also do her very best to help me joke.
-then we break the fast at her housemate house in Sri Gombak coz she and her housemates were fasting today.i meet two new friends, c's Yanti and another one i-cant-remember-her-name.gaga!
-we had so much fun preparing the food.sgt mouth watering ok.nasi.daging kunyit.ikan pari asam pedas.sayur pelik-pelik.mee sup.char kwue tiau.donat.air epal home made.milo ais.semua licin.
-canceled shopping at jusco with her after dinner coz my mum cant stop sending msgs and calling me to be home early.adeyh..
-but the point is that it made my day today eventho a bit dissapointed with the uia application result.yey!
- ok.dah.
-minum susu coklat dulu!
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
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