fiiweett!! =)
-This morning i accompany my bf to the hospital for his blood test.This was his 3rd appointment he made.1st appointment, he totally forgot about it.The 2nd appointment he made was scrude up because of his stupidity about fasting and today which is his 3rd appointment after i remind him about fasting finally he made it.Thank god.Everything went fine and smoothly even though i had a very hard time finding a parking at the hospital.They should widen the road and provide more parking lot.
-Anyways, after that i send him to Pavilion because hes working today.While i was driving, he told me that he might continue his studies at UTAR Kampar, Perak and he realllyreallyreally want me to study there with him too, even tho he did not said it to me directly but yeah, i can get the message he was trying to say.Adeyh...this whole thing keeps playing in my mind untill now.I now he really cant be separated with me.haha.*perasan*
Anyway, this is future im talking about.I cant let my future changes because of his influence.We all have our own path and life and i do believe with this ' kalau ade jodoh, tak akan kemananya ' haha.eeee.geli2. XD
-Today also i had a date with one of my ' want to meet before i start study list ' Ellyz Alaidin, at KLCC.We watched Batman, The Dark Night.bes tahap dewa ok.must watch! heh.She suggest lots of ideas and opinions to me.Really great friends she is.She left my mind thinking about my unbelieveable decision ive decided to make.Shes currently taking diploma in actuary sains in Uitm Shah Alam.Gosh, i hope ive made the right choice.We went home around 7.11pm.
ok.enough writing for today.babai! =)
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
go 4 what u really want to!
tapi, kalau tak dpt tuh,
igt cmni jelah,
Dia da sediakan smthg yg lebey baek dr yang disangke baek..
ur rite! thankz idrin! i do pray for the best and HE knows the best for me too.
ur support was really heplful.
cheers! =)
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