here alone at home.doing housework as usual.nasib baik esok nak keluar teman bf gunting rambut.asik2 nak gunting rambutlah die nie.pelik.taulah rambut die tuh aset plg hot.haha.alasan cam show off sbb nak tayang rambut baru kat his besttie wedding kat Pahang nanti.LOL.sukehati lah u lah.yesterday i was singing all the way in my room with my mp3 sampai habis bateri.miming sorang bajet singer keadaan tetap boring.
Jadual oppointment my follow ups dah tuka.suppose to be yesterday, tptp atas sbb x tentu.i felt nak tuka to this Monday, 14th.yeyeh! Senanglah.besides, my bf kene amik his blood test this monday, plus his driving test.soo.plan2 nak gi Hospital same2, check same.trus pi tgk wayang same2 campur gak beli hadiah utk kak keadilan bak kate my bf.before this i plan to make it special this year followed by her, entahlah.langsung x jadi.never had time to buy her a bitrhday present yet.monday is a perfect day.nak beli ape pon x tatau.pk2 lagi.huhu.
today is raining from 7.00am untill now.nak keluar x boleh.nak sidai baju pon x boleh.sekarang midvalley sale.best2.jj x sale lagi.adoi.adoi.adoi.habislah duit saya.
dah.dah.farah syahidah.bloggers lain bace pon bole tido.dah versi Bahasa Melayu campur Inggeris.agaknya dah dengkur2 dah.
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
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