-its been 7 days im living like anak tunggal.and i really dont like it.i repeat.I DONT LIKE IT.u can turn into madness.u see, heres the problem.nak sambung jamming, they all already going futher study.nak sambung swimming, my lil sis dah x der nak teman gi umah kawan die coz i swim at her friend condo.my parents awal2 already not at home working.so my lips is not moving at all from morning-evening.sumtimes until dinner time.except when i hav a call.haha.boring.
-to show you all how critical was the situation is when ive done all the housework such as washing dishes, clothes, 3 toilets, lipat baju, mopping, vacuming, get rid all the dust and parasites that going inside out from the house.i even do car washing.sampai dah tak tau nak buat ape dah.before this ur life is full with people around you.so nak adjust dalam enviroment baru takes time.kindda lost skit.
-the cruel part being inside anak tunggal life with busy parents and ur alone at home with no social activities coz all ur friends left you is ur easily get hurt.ur easily get disappointed.yesterday i was hurt .yesterday also i felt disappointed.yesterday punye yesterday pon i get disappointed.yesterday punye yesterday punye yesterday pon i kene stab in my heart sbb hurt and disappointed.sakitlah..rosak plak hati aku nanti.same thing goes to today.sbb ape? coz im lonely.really bad kind of lonely.letih ok.heyh...
-dah.nak gi pavilion.i need my bf beside me.he can comfort me.i want to be in his shoulder.now i know why we need bf instead of siblings.haha.
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
gemok, ko nak g skolah nanti bgtau sekolah mane.
baik mak cik.
x sabar2 nak gi skolah balik.dok rumah sorang bole jadi sewel.
atau pun cuba buat ngaji ke, baca buku ke ... ha...
Allah sayang, Mak Ayah pun sayang, semua sayang, syaitan je benci, hati tenang...
thankz 4 the advise.
saye dah mule dah mengaji.huhu.admit mmg dah lame x ngaji.besides ive made a promise to sumone bout this.
huhu.siap mathurat lagi.
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