WHAT: Zeno Mini
AVAILABILITY: Guardian Pharmacy outlets, Clara Beauty Salons.
Q: Hey, snazzy-looking phone you have there. Pretty in pink.
A: Nope. This ain’t no handphone. It’s a clever little device that zaps zits in a flash. That could be the perfect tagline — Zeno... zaps zits in a flash! You could also call it a Blemish Buster.
Q: You don’t say.
A: Yeah. And Zeno has become my daughter’s best friend and secret weapon. She takes it with her everywhere. She just pulls it out from her bag and even uses it during lectures.
Q: Isn’t it noisy?
A: No. It is silent when switched on, so it doesn’t draw any attention when in use. So, you can easily bust your blemish without much fanfare.
Q: So, how does it actually work?
A: It’s quite simple. It uses localised heat on the pimple when it first appears. So, when you spot a pimple, just Zeno the zit and it shrinks to half its size and actually disappears within 24 hours.
All you have to do is press the power button and the amber light comes on. Wait for the flashing green light, then place it on the pimple for 21/2 minutes. It automatically switches off.
This product doesn’t prevent acne but stops the zit from becoming bigger or spreading.
Q: Is this device that revolutionary?
A: Yes, I haven’t come across anything like it before.
Q: But people have been using pimple creams for a long time. So, how is this different from those topical creams or gels?
A: My daughter has tried a host of pimple creams, but none has worked so far. But this is more discreet and targets the zit straight away. And it feels wonderful. She experiences a fuzzy warm feeling on her face.
Q: Hey, it’s almost the price of an iPod shuffle!
A: But iPods don’t cure blemishes or minimise pimple scars! It works out to approximately RM1 per treatment and before the blemish gets to the last stage. It targets zits at the inflammatory stage!
there you go.to much for 21st century for you huh?
wow, like seriously?
yup.seriusly.no kidding.
check on NST newspaper enty TECH-U.
wow! sgt hebat la!! akak nak cari satu lah! haha
if that so, dont forget to buy me an ipod shuffle tOo.almost the same price en..ur treat!
akak kan kaya raya...u just bought a brand new hp aite??
hehehe.. XD
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