-kenduri kahwin.haha.honestly im not the type of person who likesl attending and fulfill peoples wedding ceremony or any wedding occasion whenever invited.Almost every weekend there will be wedding invitation cards in my mailbox.
-Obviously non of it were from my friends, they were from my parents friends.Whenever they went to such occasion, i rather be at home eating bread and cookies or cereal than accompany my parents eating such delicious variaty of food.some of it even comes with dessert.
-One good reason i dont like to follow my parents attending weddings occasion is because people that i met are my parents friends, not my friends.secondly, its boring.not much to do and say.i even dont like wearing kurung except during Hari Raya.haha.
-anyways, yesterday was completely different stories.when i saw the invitiation card, i was quite excited yet blessed by her.the invitation card had overwhelm me.i immediatly told my ayah,
-indeed you all must be wondering why i act cam bersemangat waja attend the wedding.suprise!
-Obviously non of it were from my friends, they were from my parents friends.Whenever they went to such occasion, i rather be at home eating bread and cookies or cereal than accompany my parents eating such delicious variaty of food.some of it even comes with dessert.
-One good reason i dont like to follow my parents attending weddings occasion is because people that i met are my parents friends, not my friends.secondly, its boring.not much to do and say.i even dont like wearing kurung except during Hari Raya.haha.
-anyways, yesterday was completely different stories.when i saw the invitiation card, i was quite excited yet blessed by her.the invitation card had overwhelm me.i immediatly told my ayah,
"ayah, kak ngah nak ikut skali"i quickly get dressed.wearing a simple yet nice kurung along with my handbag and sqeeze a bit of my Sweetheart perfume and ready to go.agaga!
-indeed you all must be wondering why i act cam bersemangat waja attend the wedding.suprise!

-haha.comel plak saya in kurung. =P
-and yo kak long, syidah send regards to u!!
i felt like my english amatlah cincai boncai.
wah rasyidah!
ade facebook tak/
tulah en.
ak tau ko jeles.
tadelah.die still oldskool pakai friendster.
tu pon taruk mamat jepon mane tah gamba.
waa..pn kamilah pun ade....
founder kenduri and cikgu kamilah were used to be neighbours.thats why die ade.ngeee..
wah rashidahh! :O
mcm tak berubah lgsg je :)
ur absalutely right najwa!
still have the primary school face untill now.
excited jumpe die arituh.
aik...my mum pn ade...
i know her...one of my old frend...
lame dh x jumpe...
tekejut-tekejut x? haha.
owh.really? yg rashidah or the bride?
compius dah.
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