-happy! happy! happy! Starting tomorrow all my siblings will be home for their school holidays.including atiqah!! yes.yes.yes.yes.yes.yes.yes...yiippy!! =D
not only that, all my friends in universities will have their break tOo starting tomorrow..this is just wonderful! just nice.finally i have company at home.haha!
-nothing much happend today.just housework like usual, practicing badminton at UIA with Kak Misah and Along and watch television.thats it.oh.oh. and my Canon arrived home safely today~
-my aunties and my cousins from Kuching will be in KL this school holiday which im not suprised at all since almost every year during school holidays they will be in KL either staying in a hotel or at my house.Thankz to Air Asia because of you, my cousins in Kuching went to KL almost frequently.They all have only one mission when arrived.what was that? SHOPPING-laahh...Now kan mega sale season? haha.
-headline in newspapers about the reactions by the several NGO's and the student itsself from idea of 10 percent non bumi quota in UITM suggested by Selangor MB disturbed me.
why so serious? We are Malaysian.why the double-standard is still there? i think if the idea really turns into reality i bet the non-bumi will choose going into private collages anyway.they did not express any interest living in the almost 90% bumi enviroment.they felt like an alien.this had happen to me once when i pursue my diploma in UTAR for only a short period of time before i quit because i am not comfortable with the population of chinese reached to 95%, while 3% were indians and 2%, malay.the surroundings almost akward too.Based from my experiences some of my chinese friends or non-bumi got an offer to Sekolah Berasrama Penuh rejected the offer.This situation happens in MRSM too.We even can count them with fingers those non-bumi who interested.Now, do you have any i idea now why i disturb by the actions taken? So, why worried? why so serious?
-betol kata MB Selangor..media nie je lebih2.ini tanda-tanda nak lariskan newspaper and berita betul-betul BERITA UTAMA.
-ngep.why my brain went blank? i hav no idea what to write except my boring routine.
i need idea.i need inspiration.i need experiance.i even felt like my english is from primary school level.am i right? lalalalaaaaa~
ok.still no idea.
bai.later i continue writing when i have one.
151: Jamadil Akhir 1446H
2 weeks ago
nanti call tau suruh mak call weekend ni. saya sentiasa la online.
baik bos!
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