-Yesterday activity was stunning and full of joy.I saw all the families involved is having such a great time.I also having fun too.Have fun with the foodfoodfood and more food.It looks like they never had shortage of food.Chicken and lamb BBQ were tasty and tender.And theres fried mee, spagetti, sausages, nasi tomato too.I wish i can bought some for my family at home.
-Here comes the best part.Games.The kids played some kind of Big Foot games, well i dont no what was the games called.Its looks like that to me.Meanwhile the parents had there own games.For female, they played making bracelet competition and cutting watermelon.But, for the male games more attracted me.Giggles me a lot though.Kindda cute too, they even included games for couples and the whole family.If im not mistaken, Auntie Zana familiy wins a lot.
-Unfortunately, i did not took part any of the activity eventho they forced me to join in except eating and making my tummy bigger than ever as im busy taking pictures.lots of lots of candid pictures.
-Now, i present you the best pictures among 127 pictures ive took during yesteday activity.

-by the end of the day, it was raining.i went home snoring until almost maghrib.letih apa tah.letih makan kot.
heh. =P
-and ive realised one new phenomenon here among them.i found out that most of the aunties and sisters does not care at all whether their tundung senget benget or terberancey, or what so ever.maybe-lah.haha.
-if they were my friends the 1st thing they worried about were their tudung condition.heh.=P
Dear farah!!!!
TQ so much for all the photos n reports... (-_-) Never thought that we were bringing a special reporter with us... everything we did will b part of her reports...huh.. suspen gak kena candid... never ever dreams to b noticed or glams in any events, webs, blogs etc..
btw, tqvm.. hope u'll sudi again to joint our events in d future... n not only just b our unofficial cameragirl tau...!!!
~ibu hafiz~
Dear Nazeem!!
1st of all thankz a millions for all the credits uve said to me.it just nothing.hanya menulis sesuatu yg berlaku pada empunya diri je.thats all.you noe.like a diary.haha.besides, i love taking candid pictures as much as i love photography.
so,thankz again nazeem.i try my best to do as u wished. =)
bydaway, mind telling me who you are? rasa2 cam kenal.nazeem or kak wae (ibu hafiz)?kompiuslah.if both of em is not you, how come you can reached to my blog? becoz i set my blog as private.
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