-Ive been working since last month as a full-time sales assistant in a cyber cafe here in KL near seksyen 5 WangsaMaju while waiting for my stpm result.
-On my first day working, i have adjestment during my shift.So i thought, oh its ok..error always happens during our first day of work.that calms me down.then on the second day,the same thing happend.again i think the same way as i work on the first day.
-but, what happens here is the adjustment i have made during my shift is increasing from RM1 or RM2 into RM19.bloody hell.today plak is my second week of working.campur2 semua adjustment ive had made is RM22.50.bloody hell lagi.entah2 after one month it may reach untill RM100 or RM200 something.habis sume gaji ak kene tolak.
-honest i really disappointed.both myself and the way ive been working.everyday i try to improve myself yet its not enough.making it more worst adelah.Sometimes i thought deeply why is this hapening? What did i do wrong? where is this problem come from? Is it im not sharp enough looking at all 55 computers everyday.the experience of being a prefect at school should solve this problem.Is it im not very jolly good at memorising people faces.but,the fact is that most of the customers are all regular.i should already know them.then what was it? this is what ive been frustrating all day.Or is it the software yg tipu2.or or i had an error when i key in the prepaid in the pc.siot.moga2 Allah bagi petunjuk kat ak mane silapnye diri nie semasa bekerja.
-ish.x puas ati lagi nie.frust.frust.frust111000x!
-i swear after this i wont work in a cyber cafe anymore.
-farah syahidah shamsuddin jangan bagi short2 lagi ye esok? if ade letak jawatan.makin lame muh kat situ makin bankrap cyber cafe tu.LOL.--> i know this is crap, tp tp it comforts me.
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
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