-Today i went dating with Kim.haha.
-As you know, my high school is quite far from my house plus if we decided to go to school by public transport it will take hours coz waiting for a Rapid KL bus its like waiting a snail to move from branches to another branches.
-So, i ask my dad if i can drove his car for today.Thank god he says yes.I fetch him up and we both went to school because i need to get back my UPU ID NO which my washing machine killed it last week and pass Sidang room keys since i had promise to give it to the teacher today.
-When everthing is settled we went off to a cyber cafe at Seksyen 2 Wangsa Maju and we went surfing the internet.
We both mumbling a lot.Yup, its been ages that i had a chance to have a really good talk together.He told me everthing that had happen during our long holiday. I treat him lunches meanwhile he treat me the internet fees.Fair and square.Nampak sangat miskin.haha.lol.
-What shocking me is Kim told me that he wants to dress up his hair by dying his hair with blue in colour in front.He said it looks cool.He even ask me my opinion which colour that suits for his future great hair.I just agree and nooded.But my heart says, are u out of ur mind kim!! not to mention his piercing.nasib tade tattoo.I will kasik pelempang if he wanted to do that toO.agaga! XP
-We also had promise to go shopping together at Pavilion since i never been there yet and he wants to show me around after we both get our salary in the next few days from now.yeyeh!
-At night i got a call from my workplace told me that my sales leader still wrote the short that ive made in the attendence even though i had pay it back right in front of her last thursday.I was like wtf!! then,what is the purpose that i paid it in the first place?? shit.
-shes a nightmare.Always calls me to replace her working shift hours during my off days with damn stupid excuses.But, what i did i just follow whatever she says.i kept silence eventho i really wanted to object.Why? well,i respect her as my leader.but, now is waaaayy to far from my limit
-Better stop writing my anger to her in this post.x pasal2 kang aku mencarut2 kat sini banyak2 kali.To get back my own dignity i decided to go to my workplace tomorrow and talk to her face to face in my smooth on way and settle it for my own good.
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
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