-Yesterday was a new experience for me when i attend this NGO called JIM which stands for Jemaah Islah Malaysia Evening Talk.tptp i cant rembember the tile of the talk.sumthing about kristian.nyanyanyanyaa!
-Honest, i never been in such a big serius talk about islam.senang cerita benda2 like this kind of talk i never take it seriusly.simple word ak mmg x bape heran pon.haha
-but, yesterday i went there.niat asal nak teman my sis kak jue buat recording.hell i love to carry the bulky camera.cool.rase cam bawak gitar aku.tptp bile dengar ceramah dari penceramah tuh, eh, best pulak.i swear i laugh sampai sakit2 perut.untill now i still remember the jokes that he made.sampai balik umah semangat2 cerita kat adek ak.agaga!
-adelah sedikit pertanyaan dalam diri after i went there.why? why now? sbb sbb, i guess my enviroment in life tidak terdedah dgn this kind of thing.totally contrast.my life was full of happiness.what kind of happiness? lepak gan rakan2, girlfriends,boyfriends,meronggeng,main game,gi party,tengok wayang,jamming and macam2 lagi.there is a few ceramah agama i attend before this which i myself cant even remember when was it becoz it happens very longlonglonglong time ago.
-besides, the ceramah yg i usually attend was like simple plan about islam.cam ringan2 je.x der la sampai penceramah tuh berceramah sampai hentak2 kaki,muke penuh perasaan and ade kuar perkataan Bible2, nieh.tadetade.soo as a result,i went there most of the girls or should i say the muslimah *cewah* was wearing full muslimah way, such as tudung labuh,baju labuh,tgn labuh,kasut labuh,semua pon labuhlah but i wearing my previous skol t-shirt,tudung selimpang,seluar jeans gan flip flop.badak tak? lalalalalaaa~ XP
-but my main problem is that theres a little of the pengisian i seriusly x paham.becoz i dont know what on earth is Islam Liberal and Sisters of Islam.what made it worst is that two word was the most word that came out from the penceramah lips.hasilnya ak pon bengong.agaga! XP
-kesimpulanya, ceramah best.nak pegi lagilah. XP
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
alhamdulillah..im glad dat u came along wif me dat day ^_^
huhu.thankz to you sis coz inviting me.not only me,my whole family pon u ade invite kan?? lain kali buat kite lagi key! =)
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