-i ♥ school.serius.because there will be everyday,everyweek,everymonth.
-EVERYDAY i need to iron my school uniforms.everyday i need to wake up early.everday i need to finished up your homework.eveyday i need to make sure my name tag is on.everyday i need to see the same faces.everyday i need to read my school teks book.everyday i need to revise my subjek.everyday i need to do a presentation.*i like this part* everyday i need to assemble.everyday i need to line up before i went to class.everyday i need to do my duty as prefect.EVERYWEEK i need to attend the ko-kurikulum aktivities.everyweek i need to sang our national anthem,our school song, ikrar,and hear speeches from my headmisstress.everyweek i need to do my duty roaster.everweek i need to wash my school shoe.Every after two month *haha.what a word* i have sit my monthly test.EVERYMONTH i need to made my report as a prefect.and whole lot more about school.
-after this theres no such thing as Hari Guru, Hari Sukan Sekolah, Minggu ituini,Hari Anugerah Cemerlang, Hari PPDA Anti Dadah,Hari Patriotik,and macam2 lagilah.no more.none.wuwuwu...goodbye school.goodbye school holidays.ngep.
-here sum memories i want to share during my schoolydays:

In Memory
Tadika Amal (Lembah Keramat)
Tadika Amal (Lembah Keramat)
SK Taman Permata (1995-2000)
SKA Taman Permata (1995-2000)
SMK Seksyen 5 Wangsa Maju (2000-2006)
SMK High School Setapak (2006-2007)
HELLO 2008
HELLO 2008
bile masuk uni, baru rase nak balik sekolah balik.
huh.masuk nie ko org yg 5 ckp camtu kat ak doe.is it real?
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