Tuesday, January 29, 2008

wishing lamp




-im so excited when i had create a list in a piece of paper what i wanted to the with that bunch of money.here goes bebeh!..

1.save half of the money in the bank.

2.pay all the hutang that ive made.RM 50 to daddy.RM100 to faezah coz ive smash her spectacles last year at school.haha.so total is RM150.

3.go shopping with si comel saye.

4.betolkan tali gitar.

5.buy brand new mp3.

6.go shopping with kimmy.

7.shopping with besties omarhasif,iqbal,and dzulqarnain.

8.belanja my history teacher with dzulqarnain.

9.pay piano class fees.

10.buy a Portable Playstation (PSP)

11.fullfill my handphone with prepaid.its been almost 3 month i did not topap my handphone.agaga!

cukup ke?? XP

Monday, January 28, 2008

Hadoi what a day.

-Today i went dating with Kim.haha.
-As you know, my high school is quite far from my house plus if we decided to go to school by public transport it will take hours coz waiting for a Rapid KL bus its like waiting a snail to move from branches to another branches.
-So, i ask my dad if i can drove his car for today.Thank god he says yes.I fetch him up and we both went to school because i need to get back my UPU ID NO which my washing machine killed it last week and pass Sidang room keys since i had promise to give it to the teacher today.
-When everthing is settled we went off to a cyber cafe at Seksyen 2 Wangsa Maju and we went surfing the internet.
We both mumbling a lot.Yup, its been ages that i had a chance to have a really good talk together.He told me everthing that had happen during our long holiday. I treat him lunches meanwhile he treat me the internet fees.Fair and square.Nampak sangat miskin.haha.lol.
-What shocking me is Kim told me that he wants to dress up his hair by dying his hair with blue in colour in front.He said it looks cool.He even ask me my opinion which colour that suits for his future great hair.I just agree and nooded.But my heart says, are u out of ur mind kim!! not to mention his piercing.nasib tade tattoo.I will kasik pelempang if he wanted to do that toO.agaga! XP
-We also had promise to go shopping together at Pavilion since i never been there yet and he wants to show me around after we both get our salary in the next few days from now.yeyeh!
-At night i got a call from my workplace told me that my sales leader still wrote the short that ive made in the attendence even though i had pay it back right in front of her last thursday.I was like wtf!! then,what is the purpose that i paid it in the first place?? shit.
-shes a nightmare.Always calls me to replace her working shift hours during my off days with damn stupid excuses.But, what i did i just follow whatever she says.i kept silence eventho i really wanted to object.Why? well,i respect her as my leader.but, now is waaaayy to far from my limit
-Better stop writing my anger to her in this post.x pasal2 kang aku mencarut2 kat sini banyak2 kali.To get back my own dignity i decided to go to my workplace tomorrow and talk to her face to face in my smooth on way and settle it for my own good.


Thursday, January 24, 2008


lets talk about music.today genre is Indie.what is indie? lets check it out.

do push the play button

yup.yup.lagu die sume cam org malas nak nyanyi.suara x sedap pon jadi sedap.nyanyi la leleeeeeelele pon dianggap lagu.tp the best part indie nie starting the mesti UNIK.gitar die sumpah ak suke.drums toksah ckpla.hoho.lagu simple je.lirik "aaaaaaaaa..." pon satu sumbangan baik punye.contoh band yg type indie cambest is Franz Ferdinand,Artic Monkeys,The Libertines or Hot Hot Heat.tryla dgr.

Monday, January 21, 2008


today im off from work.yey! ^ ^ same thing will happen tomorrow.yey lagi! ^ ^

ape nak buat eih?

gi jamming lah.

unfortunately my tali gitar putus.siot.


xbole.overdose tido dah.my head hurts.

main gamelah.

what about tomorrow?

1.piano class.

2. gi swimming.yes.

i miss playing futsal.bila mahu main nie rakan-rakan?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

ceramah cambest

-Yesterday was a new experience for me when i attend this NGO called JIM which stands for Jemaah Islah Malaysia Evening Talk.tptp i cant rembember the tile of the talk.sumthing about kristian.nyanyanyanyaa!
-Honest, i never been in such a big serius talk about islam.senang cerita benda2 like this kind of talk i never take it seriusly.simple word ak mmg x bape heran pon.haha
-but, yesterday i went there.niat asal nak teman my sis kak jue buat recording.hell i love to carry the bulky camera.cool.rase cam bawak gitar aku.tptp bile dengar ceramah dari penceramah tuh, eh, best pulak.i swear i laugh sampai sakit2 perut.untill now i still remember the jokes that he made.sampai balik umah semangat2 cerita kat adek ak.agaga!
-adelah sedikit pertanyaan dalam diri after i went there.why? why now? sbb sbb, i guess my enviroment in life tidak terdedah dgn this kind of thing.totally contrast.my life was full of happiness.what kind of happiness? lepak gan rakan2, girlfriends,boyfriends,meronggeng,main game,gi party,tengok wayang,jamming and macam2 lagi.there is a few ceramah agama i attend before this which i myself cant even remember when was it becoz it happens very longlonglonglong time ago.
-besides, the ceramah yg i usually attend was like simple plan about islam.cam ringan2 je.x der la sampai penceramah tuh berceramah sampai hentak2 kaki,muke penuh perasaan and ade kuar perkataan Bible2, nieh.tadetade.soo as a result,i went there most of the girls or should i say the muslimah *cewah* was wearing full muslimah way, such as tudung labuh,baju labuh,tgn labuh,kasut labuh,semua pon labuhlah but i wearing my previous skol t-shirt,tudung selimpang,seluar jeans gan flip flop.badak tak? lalalalalaaa~ XP
-but my main problem is that theres a little of the pengisian i seriusly x paham.becoz i dont know what on earth is Islam Liberal and Sisters of Islam.what made it worst is that two word was the most word that came out from the penceramah lips.hasilnya ak pon bengong.agaga! XP

-kesimpulanya, ceramah best.nak pegi lagilah. XP

Monday, January 14, 2008

tragedi tragis

KUALA LUMPUR: Sebuah wallet telah musnah dalam mesin basuh jenama TOSHIBA hari ini di sebuah rumah teres dua tingkat Wangsa Melawati.Kejadian ini berlaku apabila tuan punya wallet telah membasuh seluar tracksuitnya malam semalam pada pukul 1.40 pagi tanpa menyedari bahawa wallet itu masih di dalam poket seluar tersebut.Tuan rumah itu hanya menjumpai wallet tersebut pada keesokkan harinya apabila beliau ingin pergi ke tempat kerja pagi tadi.Beliau sangat sedih terhadap tragedi yang menimpa wallet tersebut.Hal ini telah menyebabkan kemusnahan harta benda yang penting dan kerugian tanpa batasan.Anggaran kerugian mencecah RM36.50.Antara yang musnah ialah Slip NO ID UPU, Kad Syarikat X-Faxtor,Kad Harry Potter Ajaib,Kad Orange Member,Kad Ampang Sports Planet Membership,beberapa keping gambar bersaiz pasport dan beberapa wang ringgit Malaysia.Bertanya mengenai perasaan terhadap tragedi yang menimpa yang mahu dikenali sebagai pharie 19, beliau menjawab
" saya semestinya sedih dah simpati terhadap apa yang berlaku pada wallet saya.Ya, mmg banyak benda penting musnah,tp saya tak berapa kisah sangat, yang saya kisah sangat sangat ialah Slip No ID UPU saya tu.Dah la saya x ingat no ID UPU saya tu.terpaksalah saya pergi ke skolah saya balik mintak pada kaunselor saya.haha.Tptp, x per, camni bolehla jadi alasan untuk beli wallet yang baru.lalalalaaa~"



Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hikayat pharie

-semalam keje letih tahap dewa.then lepak kat NZ bawah sampai kol 1.30 pagi.ak bawak kete bolehlah.balik2 mandi2 cuci muke, tido.yeah i noe its too late for a shower.tp sleeping when urself rase melekit2.eeuww.gilo.agaga!
-early next morning went to piano class untill 12.00pm.then headed to a studio jamming wif frens.

-perut lapar.tonton jam.ceh, dah kol 1pm ke.cpt tol.hampeh.nyesal x makan breakfast td.skang perut dah bukan takat berbunyik-bunyik tp dah berzapin dah nie.cis.

-then went to jusco try find some food.then terpk,
aiyoyo,asallah bosan sgt hidup nie.nak carik makanan pon bosan.tepon
erm, tepon kim keje.tepon dzul kat skolah.haish..tepon wani tido.asal bile nak ajak bersiar-siar bersama rakan semua ada hal yeh? geget kang!i called my sis.die plak gi makan gan rakan2 kat Secret Recipe.she invited me,tp kocek ku sgt daif time tuh.lol.

-gi lah jusco sorang2.sedihkan hikayat nie? agaga! then suddenly i guess Allah hears my dissappointment kot, i went there then i bumped into many of my friends.masuk-masuk je dah jumpe classmate which they were on duty now.huhu.borak2 jap, i continue my journey finding for food.tptp as i walk along MPH Bookstore i saw this one comic that attracted me as if it was calling2 my name to go inside and have glance. haha.so i decided to go inside and have a good look at the comic.it was wicked! once i saw the author, i immediately know this comic will be satisfying item to read.so i bought it.puas hati.

-i continue back my journey in the first place, then..eh, chop! dah beli komik mane ade duit dah nak beli makanan.adelah perkataan cibai disitu.agaga! well for your information, im a fan of comics.so comics alwayz overcome my needs.plus wasting pocket money buying comics is a great feeling.ngep.yupyup.my fault.i know.

-i look at my watch, its almost 3.00pm and my stomach is crumbbling even louder and i must go for my work at 4.00pm.dammit.

-i felt like no where to go that leads me to wondering around jusco untill 4pm so that i can just go to work then.malas nak patah balik dari rumah.again, i think Allah hears my helpless condition by then i bumped into one of sVian schoolmates syadia arina and the best part is shes alone toO! yey.so we both sepantas kilat connect to each other.tp we saperated when she decided to go to MPH and i wanted to go to Watson.pas belek-belek mende menarik kat Watson,i went out of the store then i saw si comel saye Kak Jue at Secret Recipe with her fellow crommates.So i call her, she call me back.We talk tp i seganlah nak jumpe.Looks like cam nak celebrate sumthing so i dont want to interrupt them.
-back to syadia arina at MPH, borak jap gan si comel saye again.then go for food.yey! syadia arina nak belanja MekD.unfortunenatly her father had already in jusco to fetch her.wawawa!
rase cam org miskin plak terdesak sgt nak mamam.x perla.berlagak cam puasalah.that will calms my stomach.xperla.hari dah nak kol 4pm.must go to work
-pas kol 12mlm i ended my duty trus lepak carik makanan kat NZ sebelah.nasib baik mamu charkuetiaw baik.ts free.today NZ is crowded than before coz theres a football match between Liverpool and Middlesburgh.its a draw.
-balik rumah kol 1.30 pagi.mandi2.cuci muka.then snoring untill 12pm the next day.agaga!

-the end-

-itulah hikayat pharie today.

*NZ is NZ Curry House mamak stall.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hari " WAH! "

-no total adjustment at work today

" WAH! "

-ive been working 16 hours at work today

" WAAAH! "

-i suddenly involve sVians form one orientation today


" WAH! "

-ive got the most expensive present in the whole world given by my ex today.its a silvergoldbicycleshapewithdiamond necklace.no.its not a lie.hope it is a lie.still i dont want to believe it.nasiblah.


" WAH! "

ok dah.kontot bukan? =)

p/s: kim, badak btol you beli yg death defying kind of present to me.dont do it again.you buat lagi you SIAP!!! XP

Monday, January 7, 2008

This is called FRUSTRATION ok kawan-kawan.

-Ive been working since last month as a full-time sales assistant in a cyber cafe here in KL near seksyen 5 WangsaMaju while waiting for my stpm result.
-On my first day working, i have adjestment during my shift.So i thought, oh its ok..error always happens during our first day of work.that calms me down.then on the second day,the same thing happend.again i think the same way as i work on the first day.
-but, what happens here is the adjustment i have made during my shift is increasing from RM1 or RM2 into RM19.bloody hell.today plak is my second week of working.campur2 semua adjustment ive had made is RM22.50.bloody hell lagi.entah2 after one month it may reach untill RM100 or RM200 something.habis sume gaji ak kene tolak.
-honest i really disappointed.both myself and the way ive been working.everyday i try to improve myself yet its not enough.making it more worst adelah.Sometimes i thought deeply why is this hapening? What did i do wrong? where is this problem come from? Is it im not sharp enough looking at all 55 computers everyday.the experience of being a prefect at school should solve this problem.Is it im not very jolly good at memorising people faces.but,the fact is that most of the customers are all regular.i should already know them.then what was it? this is what ive been frustrating all day.Or is it the software yg tipu2.or or i had an error when i key in the prepaid in the pc.siot.moga2 Allah bagi petunjuk kat ak mane silapnye diri nie semasa bekerja.
-ish.x puas ati lagi nie.frust.frust.frust111000x!
-i swear after this i wont work in a cyber cafe anymore.

-farah syahidah shamsuddin jangan bagi short2 lagi ye esok? if ade letak jawatan.makin lame muh kat situ makin bankrap cyber cafe tu.LOL.--> i know this is crap, tp tp it comforts me.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

-The End -

-ive been in a school life for manymanymany years.school enviroment.school friends.school ride.school days.school activities.school problems.school responsibilities.school programs.school uniforms.school books.school and more and more and more chipsmore about school.everthing is about school from i was 7 years old until im 17 years old.then extra more 2 years of school for my stpm when im 18 years old until now.*this year im suppose to be 20 years old* mane no 1 kat sebelah?? mane? mane? i still dont believe myself that im going to be 20 twentyyearsold this year.

-i school.serius.because there will be everyday,everyweek,everymonth.

-EVERYDAY i need to iron my school uniforms.everyday i need to wake up early.everday i need to finished up your homework.eveyday i need to make sure my name tag is on.everyday i need to see the same faces.everyday i need to read my school teks book.everyday i need to revise my subjek.everyday i need to do a presentation.*i like this part* everyday i need to assemble.everyday i need to line up before i went to class.everyday i need to do my duty as prefect.EVERYWEEK i need to attend the ko-kurikulum aktivities.everyweek i need to sang our national anthem,our school song, ikrar,and hear speeches from my headmisstress.everyweek i need to do my duty roaster.everweek i need to wash my school shoe.Every after two month *haha.what a word* i have sit my monthly test.EVERYMONTH i need to made my report as a prefect.and whole lot more about school.
-after this theres no such thing as Hari Guru, Hari Sukan Sekolah, Minggu ituini,Hari Anugerah Cemerlang, Hari PPDA Anti Dadah,Hari Patriotik,and macam2 lagilah.no more.none.wuwuwu...goodbye school.goodbye school holidays.ngep.

-here sum memories i want to share during my schoolydays:

In Memory
Tadika Amal (Lembah Keramat)
SK Taman Permata (1995-2000)
SKA Taman Permata (1995-2000)
SMK Seksyen 5 Wangsa Maju (2000-2006)
SMK High School Setapak (2006-2007)

HELLO 2008