Saturday, May 10, 2008

konsert saya


Time: 10.30am
Venue: High School Setapak Hall

Date: 9th of May

-9th of its
over.heh.konsert saya.konsert la if...

-ok stop dreaming farah syahidah.9th of may is the day that i performed a choir for my ex school principal.sorryla, i malas nak cite panjang lebar.just pix and short explanations.

sehari sebelum...

-pergi seksyen 2 wangsa maju dengan bf sbb semalam die dah call2 mintak teman di gunting rambut.which mmg patot pon.rambut panjang.muke sudah macam perempuan.

-pas gunting, when to jaya jusco sbb nak shopping baju koir.cikgu kate mesti pakai skirt panjang.baju x kisah.tema asal kan hitam merah.LOL.SKIRT PANJANG??? mane ak nak carik? PHARIE ANTI SKIRT malah x PANDANG p
on. my bf said its a waste of pokect money sbb beli baju utk persembahan koir utk pengetua yg tade langsung jasanya to me.mmg btol. -pening pk pasal baju jenis ape nak beli sbb i dont like wearing pansy mansy kind of baju.i did said to one of my choir mates...
eih.ak pakai t-shirt je bole x?
then i dapat reply..
kau nie pharie, kalu ye pon tgk la keadaan takan nak pakai t-shirt kot buat persembahan.

-then my bf suggest..
you beli la KEMEJA.
haha.haha.haha.haha.haha.kemeja? haha.haha.haha.seri
usly i felt it does not look good at me.looks terlalu educated plak.nanti i kene jaga adab tatasusila saya plak.saya suke main2. XD

-last2 i surrender.pilih punye pilih sampai nak gadoh sbb ak tanak finally i bought
it which cost me RM49.00.mahal ok.utk satu mmg harga kemeja camtu? sbb x penah beli kemeja kan?? kan?? ngep.

-next--> kain panjang.round2 jj sume mahal tahap malas nak beli ckp kat kim
you..i pakai seluar slack kot kat rumah.
hahahaha.tipu je.mane ade sluar slack pon kat rumah as far as i can remember.reasons,its already late my work today.*tp shes still worried what will she wear for tomorrow*

-lunch at secret recipe then ciao.

sehari sebelum around 2.00 am

-just back from work.i keep thinking about my choir clothes yg x complete lagi.seluar x der apetah lagi.padahal esok kene ade kat skolah at 8 am sharp.but i at home.siting at the living room online myspace.hahahaha.
-puas ati main.i went ZzzZzZzz.....snoring.


*what happen to her incomplete clothes for tomorow...??*

on 9th of may 2008 around 8.37am..

-shit.i woke up late.thank god i woke at 8.30 sumthing.still have time.but, theres a catch.i still dont have a pants to wear or even shoes.dammit.later.

-mandi2, iron tudung plus baju sume.settle.

-i push my mind to be the hell im going to find all this clothes.ting tong~ my mums room.korek2 dan korek2 lagi.yey!!! ive found my mum long black skirt.lantakla muat x muat.what i know is i will be wearing a belt afterwards.satu beban selesai.

-its already nine o'clock in the morning.hadoi.i ran downstairs to search for black shoes.x jumpe.heck! then i spotted my lil brown and shiny, in this kind situation i must think smart.if that it looks good on the skirt just grab it.eventho it did not match with the theme.better ade than nothing.haha

-9.15am school!

this is what i call lucky.dont try this at may end up having a high blood pressure.lalalaaa~, its time for pictures.

the ceremony

the school

the prefects

the band

kami sebelom persembahan

ketua pengawas.pharie.gitaris kene sembelih by photoshop

fifi and boyfriend

pharie.misz.biskut pong

gedik with izzudin

the base

misz and biskut pong part 2

tgh tunggu bila nak stat buat show.

dah stat show.mekap2 balik.

-abis show.sesi sedey2 plak.sume pon nak bagi hadiah.cuim2 pipi sume and nangis sume.

manusia dan dulang hadiah.

tisu ready.

dapat rantai emas.yey!

tanQ! tanQ! rakan sbb buat sume nie.

bodyguard pengetua.

superbike canggih mat rempit

laluan kehormat pengetua nak ciao

papai pengetua!!


oh.and its on the newspaper.Check out in Sinar, is it because of the school or the principle itself? bytheway thankz Gurindam Jiwa. lalalaaa~ =)


Ardniza said...

wow! mcm hebat jek pengetua tu...

pharie said...

tulah.mmg hebat pon.die cam ketua segala pengetua.sbb mase majlis persaraan die hari tu sume pengetua dari sume skolah di wilayah persekutuan datang.haha.gila x.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome.

pharie said...

hehe.thankz again! XD