Monday, June 2, 2008



-today ive been working 12 eyes already sense an electric pain.rase cam bebola mate kene cucuk2 gan lidi.watching very high level saturation of computer screen for 12 hours really can cause so much trouble.and its not healthy at all.

-returning to work as soon as im out from the hospital was not a very good idea.i thought i was strong enough.but i was wrong.futhermore,the pain became stronger when my boss said that i must work another 12 hours for three days in a row starting tomorrow because one of our staff is having problems.hadoi.ive became more and more weak.this is not very healthy to me.potential of me being warded again is high i suppose.

-suddenly a group of boys came approach me asking money.not RM2.00 or RM10.00, but RM155!! i ask them why?

-the answers..

adek angkat ko tuh hutang judi gan kitorang dulu.x bayar2 lagi.janji die nak byr.die kate kakak angkat die bayar.

-ok.that was shocking me.

-they continue..

patut belasah je dgn helmet arituh die lari.

-one of the boys said..

ko ckp adek angkat ko tuh, ak bagi tempoh sampai khamis nie je.kalu x jgn salahkan kiteorangla kan kalu kepala adek angkat ko tuh pecah nanti.
*then ade carutan*

-i automaticly reply..

jgnla terburu weyh.nanti khamis aku bayar ko.ok.esok ak jumpe die, nanti ckp gan die pasal nie ok? settle.

-bincang2 balik.then they left.

-ak dalam hati,
tuff pharie...tuff..kuatkan diri.adeh...
mayb nie ujian that i must face dlm usaha membetulkan sesorang yg rosak akhlak ke jalan yg elok.haha.

-after several minutes thinking about all the problems, i got a call from my bf.

he said,

u cuti kan esok?

i reply,

sorry kim..i mmg patut cuti, but i must work 12 hours tomorrow.
he said,

laaaaa...kenapa? i baru nak ajak u keluar teman i esok..u habis esok kol bape?

i reply,

12mlm biaser..
he continued,

ala....u temanla...kite keluar awal.then kol 12 u masukla..

i reply.

im not sure laa..i mmg xlarat nie...

-i then told him all the burden that i hav today.he ask me to sleep well and take good care of my health sumelah.anyway..i ape2pon agreed for tomorrow hangout.

so this is the story for today.

maka i need to sleep now.esk well be a tiring day! i hope im strong.doakan ye.





Anonymous said...

eda! kesian kamu! kalo tak larat keje, cakap ngan boss! kang tak pasal pasal warded lagi! sape susah? akak gak! dah dah! rehat lah! budak degil ni! hiish!

lagi satu, kamu cakap pasal conan ke? or orang lain? ketok kepala mamat yg mintak duit tu kang!

ape ape nak mintak tlg, cakap ek!

cop cop, eda keje kat orange mane? lupe la?
nak pegi sane, nek transport ape ek?

pharie said...


bukan ape sis.staff skang tgh kurang.besides the cc open 24 mesti ade org keje.x cukup staff means kene keje lebeyh mase sementara cari org baru..more, eda kan dah mc almost a week sbb being warded kan? soo, i must start work immediatly.tak lah eda sangka yg eda balik keje, there will this such problem going to happen.

neway! thankz for ur worries sis.eda akan quit this 11.6 days more to go.haha

tulah.untill now sgt nak bayar hutang tu lah.huhu.its oklah.eda dah nasihat, that this will be the first and the last i help bukan conan lah.conan tidak akan buat cmtuh.

eda nak akak mintak tolong doakan supaya my adek angkat tidak kene musibah camnih lagi inculding me! huhu.

eda keje kat orange seksyen 5 wangsa maju.i go there normally by car.huhu.

again.rase nak hug akalah! u do comfort me alot sis! thankz yaw! XD

*chill eda! chill.*

Anonymous said...

polis ade . senang cite.lain kali cakap;
"kalau berani belasah, berani tak dgn 999?"