-im in dilemma.
-tulun! tulun!
-hug me!
-i dont know what to choose between those two.
-tulun! tulun! sekali lagi
-need ur opinionlah rakan2
-what is the best?
-i bet i need to do solat istikharahlah.
- i hope im not making the wrong decision that can make me regret for the rest of my life.
-kompius kuasa dua.
-what should i do then?
-by that time theres no turning back
-help! help!
-help me in this......................................................
so which one huh?? =)
owh.bydaway wahai nizam, sampai ati muh beli psp tanpa ak.kate nak gi beli sesame.ak nak kaler merah gak.TIDAK KIRA APA JUA HALANGANNYA.
GITAR BARU!!!!!!!!!
sebab akak pon kumpul duit nak beli gitar nih!!!! hehe...
PSP aa... Gitar bukan dah ade ke...
seri plak.camner nie.kompius.ak mmg ade gitar tp tuh gitar kapok.skang nak upgrade gitar.huhu.tptp psp pon ak nak.haha.sape nak belanja ak gitar.then ak bole beli psp
eda looking 4 gitar karen ke? or kapok gak?
btw, pertanyaan di atas bukan bermaksud nak belanja tau! hehehe
sayu nye hati aku membaca post nh. aku nak beli ayam nh pon pk dua kali
sbb kering.kirim duit tuh kat aku boleh?
to c's aisyah: hoho. tgh cari gitar yg x der rupe cam kapok tp bole sambung dgn elektrik.ade tak?? plus kalu bole nak yg utk left handed punye jenis gitar.sbb notes all music code bole eda main atas sbb eda left handed.ceit.
to nani: LOL.biar btol.tinggi sgt ke kos living kat sane.tu la...aritu mak bagi duit gi beli sarung tgn la..ape la..kulit plak tuh.nak yg mahal2.haha.
nanti ak surruh mak bagi key?
akak ada gitar kapok yg leh sambung letrik! tapi abang sy punya! haha.. dia beli kat ampang.. murah je.. satu ratus dua puluh kalo yg plain camtulah.. kalo corak corak cantik punya dalam 2 to 3 ratus cam tu la.. i neva know that u can play guitar! yes yes! bleh la nanti buatkan kod untuk satu lagu ini ya!
eda, ada ym tak? meh meh!
to yaw: lol.cis.ngep.hampeh.betuah btol.ceit.and sumelah yg sewaktu dgnnya.ingatkan mamat hip hop manelah masok blog eda nie.huhu..
neway, thank yaw! for the comment and suggestion.ngeee. XD
p/s: x susah en comment? heh. =)
to c's aisyah: lol.asal bro akaknye.hehehe.tulah gitar yg eda nak beli.tp nak utk yg left handednye.susah woo..
nak? ade la eda tarok kat colum TALK TO ME tuh.tula ym eda.
a new guitar perhaps.u wont be playing ur psp most of the time i bet.u would be bored.
thankz 4 the comment 'paan terjatuh lagi' huhu.btol gak kate you.bole bosan.tp main gitar pon bole bosan.hoho
tptp.woh.gitar dah melebihi psp nie.haha.
tgk if ade comment gitar gak.then gitarla it should be.traalalalalaaa~
gitar vs psp.
PSP in new for you... :D if U buy PSP, U still have guitar.. If U buy Guitar.. U still dont have PSP :D ngep!
seriusly i felt i know who ar you la 'way' the style of writing.the smiles.the noktah yg banyak2 tuh.plus the word NGEP.itu my word laa.haha
aiyoyoyo...when i think about it way, btol gak.tade psp langsung.huhuhu...
ok.ai beli psplah.ngeee.
owya.tanQ rakan2 4 ur piece of mind.nanti dah beli saya kasik ya all pinjam main.heh. ngep.XD
oh eda!
again, ni nak tanya pasal benda lain...hehe
akak dah g kat blogskins and dah download code satu skin ni. pastu akak upload lah kat blog . tapi tak leh jadi skin plak. ape bendentah. camne ek cara yang betol nak upload skin tu as our template ek?
thanx eda!
owh.hurm.mayb sbb die pakai xml kot.kalu katblogskins pon x leh gi try masok website lain.sbbx sume layouts bole masok kat blogger.heee.
erm..try pi PYZAm.ade x silap blogger layouts.huhuhu.
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