Attracted your attention did i?
haha kene tipu. Saye bosan.Tolong ajak saye keluar.Saye bagi wang ringgit.
Erm,ape nak buat huh? Buat pantunlah.
I Still Care.
Why is she doing this to me?
What were she thinking?
I care about her..
More than myself..
But she? does she do that?
Im tired..
Being humble...still she didnt realise,
I dont know what else to do,
I had tried, everything...
Did i call her asking how is she? I did...
Did i met her just to make sure shes ok? I did..
Did i do everything just to make sure shes happy? I did..
Did i ever miss her everyday? I did..
Did i start first almost everthing to her? I did..
Why did i do this??
Shes my life..need to explain?
But,did she do this to me? did she?
I had kept this feeling for a long time,
that lead to silence pain and cry,
which she will never know..
Did not want to tell her?
I will not going to..
I want herself to know,
No matter how mad,pain,sad,hate,bad..
I am to her..or her to me
I still care..
I still miss..
I still love..
Did not want any unexpected things,
Any suprises..
Any reward..
Just call..
Brings a lot of meanings and happiness,
Just that..thats it so hard?
Yeah...i understand..
Alwayz like that...
nilah pantun saye.sorry, if its sounds horrible.this it what comes to my briliant brian when im bored.blame my brain.not me.ive done my part.wondering why i put a 'she' instead of 'he'?
well coz im gay of course............................................................
did i made you shocked? haha.kene tipu lagi. XP owh dear,because im single ok.lalalalaa...XDD
ramadan 1446
1 week ago
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